Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Children Session 11/18/12

I had the pleasure of photographing these adorable little boy's Parents wedding last year. Then I had the pleasure of photographing this two cuties! The younger of the two boys didn't want to have anything to do with getting his picture taken..... However I was able to get him to smile a little for some shots. I had to play with him a lot to get some good images of him. I know their momma really loves these pictures. 

All images are low resolution and copy righted.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Family Session 11-11-12

I met this lovely family at The Journey Home for some family portraits. We were hoping for a nice day and orginally when we scheduled this it was supposed to be nice today.... However it was cold today so we stuck to doing indoor shots.... This was my first time taking pictures of Twins and they sure gave me a run for my money! Finally I got some pictures of the whole family. But as you'll see I had to bribe the twins with some lolly pops!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Senior Session

I met this lovely high school senior on a some what chilly fall afternoon. She was a little nervous at first but quickly warmed up to me and was soon flashing beautiful smiles. Her mom was thrilled with the pictures and the senior herself kept saying how much she liked working with me. This is a high compliment we are proud to have received!

Thanks S for a great senior session!

What is a teenaged girl without her MP3 player?

Family session

I met this lovely family at the place where they board out their horses. The horses actually belong to his parents but they enjoy riding them as well. I was super excited to do this photo shoot because I used to ride (10+ years ago or more) and have always had a love of horses. These horses were bigger then what I had been used to working with but they were very sweet and amazing to work with.

The couple had the cutest little boy who insisted on riding by himself while holding the reins. If you could have seen how gentle this massive horse was while the child was on his back was remarkable. Horses are such an amazing creature and I was so blessed to have been able to capture this family and their horses.

After this amazing session the family was kind enough to offer to allow me to ride! It felt so good! It has made me realize how much I have missed riding these last few years. They were so thrilled with the results of these adorable pictures!